Know All About Vaginal Yeast Infections and Remedies to Prevent it

Know All About Vaginal Yeast Infections and Remedies to Prevent it

A vaginal yeast infection also known as vulvovaginal candidiasis is a type of fungal infection. Candida overgrowth is the prime cause of vaginal yeast infections. This condition results in severe itching, discharge, and irritation of the vulva (the skin folds outside th... Read More

Worm Infections in Kids: Know the Causes, Symptoms, and Preventive Tips

Worm Infections in Kids: Know the Causes, Symptoms, and Preventive Tips

Intestinal worms or parasites in your child’s body may sound terrifying, but it is more common a condition than you think. There are plenty of microorganisms that can easily enter your child’s intestine and can cause dreadful health hazards.Read here in detail about... Read More

What Happens to Your Body When Cholesterol is High?

What Happens to Your Body When Cholesterol is High?

High cholesterol is when you have an increased amount of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. Your body requires cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. However, when there is an accumulation of excess cholester... Read More

Applications and Benefits of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Applications and Benefits of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Are you scared of heights? What about needles, injections, or getting prepared for a major surgery? That doesn’t sound pleasant, right? This is where Virtual Reality (VR) is helping the medical world.What is Virtual Reality?Virtual reality, as the name suggests, is â€... Read More

What Is Conscious Parenting? 5 Things That You Can Do to Become One

What Is Conscious Parenting? 5 Things That You Can Do to Become One

Recently, a movie was released that delved into a complicated father-son relationship. The film portrayed something called 'toxic parenting' wherein the father was never available for his son owing to work commitments, would yell at the child for small mistakes, and pro... Read More

What is MIND Diet and How it Works to Boost Brain Health?

What is MIND Diet and How it Works to Boost Brain Health?

Does eating a specific food or following a certain diet prevent Alzheimer's disease-related dementia? The answer is yes! Numerous studies have indicated that the aging brain's ability to process thought and memory is influenced by the foods we eat. This blog contains al... Read More

Know 5 Facts About People with Disabilities and Learn Ways to Be More Inclusive

Know 5 Facts About People with Disabilities and Learn Ways to Be More Inclusive

Disabled people are the world’s largest minority as disability transcends across gender, geography, religion, race, color, and other such boundaries. Disability is a multifaceted, intricate problem that can encompass physical, cognitive, and psychological impairments.... Read More

How Freezing Winter Weather Increases the Risk of Heart Attack?

How Freezing Winter Weather Increases the Risk of Heart Attack?

Cold weather makes the heart work harder to keep the body warm, and as a result, your heart rate and blood pressure tend to increase during winter months. These changes can cause heart problems like a heart attack, especially if someone already has a diagnosed heart con... Read More

5 Facts You Must Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

5 Facts You Must Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

As the days become shorter in winter, some of us suffer from excessive fatigue, oversleepiness, and anxiety. Normally, this uneasiness goes away in a week or so. However, if it gets prolonged for a month, then it can be a health concern that needs serious attention. May... Read More

How Does Chronic Stress Affect Your Eye Sight?

How Does Chronic Stress Affect Your Eye Sight?

Anything that disturbs your body's natural homeostasis creates a response in the body. Natural reactions like stress can be either physical, emotional, mental, visual, or a combination of all of these. Any stress for a long period of time develops series of chemical rea... Read More

Yoga Asanas for Better Balance and Fall Prevention in the Elderly

Yoga Asanas for Better Balance and Fall Prevention in the Elderly

As we age, balancing becomes more difficult. This is accompanied by a greater risk of osteoporotic fractures and a fear of falling. For this reason, it's crucial to include balancing poses in your training regimen. Asanas (postures) and breathing techniques are used in ... Read More

All You Need to Know About Glaucoma

All You Need to Know About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye condition that damages the nerve connecting the eye to the brain called optic nerve. Imagine an optic nerve like a data cable that emerges from the back of your eyes and carries visual signals to your brain. When this optic nerve is damaged by glaucom... Read More

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